
Connecticut Colleges and Universities

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This page contains a list of the Connecticut colleges and universities.

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Albertus Magnus College is a Catholic liberal arts school located in New Haven. It offers adult accelerated degrees, undergraduate and graduate programs. The advantage of attending Abertus Magnus College is the smaller classes. Areas of study include art therapy, business administration, accounting, criminal justice, gerontology, pre-law, pre-med, the sciences, history and other studies.

Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) is located in New Britain. The school offers undergraduate and graduate programs. Earn a bachelors or a masters degree. Areas of studies include business, the arts, the sciences, nursing, anthropology, marketing, computer science and other studies.

Charter Oak State College is an accredited distance learning college located in New Britain. Take online classes to complete your degree. Earn an certificate, associates or bachelors degree online (BA, BS). Areas of study include nursing (LPN, RN), information systems, business administration, criminal justice, history, sociology and other studies.

Connecticut College is located in New London. It offers certificates, bachelors and graduate programs. Areas of study include arts, sciences, humanities, and social sciences .

Eastern Connecticut State University is a public liberal arts school located in Willimantic. It offers continuing education classes, online courses, certification, undergraduate and graduate programs. Earn an associates, bachelors or masters degree (AA, BA, BS, MS). Areas of study include teaching, arts, sciences, Computer Science; Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work and other studies.

Fairfield University is a Jesuit institution located in Fairfield. It offers study abroad, undergraduate, graduate, and continuing studies. Areas of study include the sciences, the arts, business, nursing, engineering and other studies.

Holy Apostles College & Seminary is an accredited Catholic liberal arts school located in Cromwell. It offers online courses, undergraduate and graduate programs. Earn an certificate, associates, bachelors or masters degree (AA, BA, MA). Areas of study include Philosophy, Theology, English in the Humanities, and History in the Social Sciences.

Mitchell College is an accredited private college located in New London. It offers certificate, associates and bachelor’s degrees (AA, AS, BA, BS). Areas of study include business administration, hospitality, tourism, the arts, sciences, law, education and other studies.

Post University is an accredited university located in Waterbury. It has evening and weekend classes, accelerated degree programs for working adults. The university offers certification, associates, bachelors and master degrees (AS, BA, BS, MBA, MS). Areas of study include education, criminal justice, computer information systems, marketing, game design, accounting and other studies.

Quinnipiac College is located in Hamden. It offers online courses, undergraduate and graduate programs. Earn a bachelors or masters degree (BS, MBA). Areas of study include physical therapy, physician assistant, gerontology, accounting, business, the sciences, advertising and other studies.

Rensselaer is located in Hartford and Troy. The school offers an education for working professionals. Earn a MS, MBA, EMBA. Areas of study include engineering, science, healthcare management, Sustainability and Clean Energy Management, business and other studies.

Sacred Heart University is an accredited Catholic university located in Fairfield. The school offers online courses, undergraduate and graduate programs. Areas of study include the arts, healthcare, nursing (RN, BSN, MSN), accounting, marketing, business, teaching, history, social work, religion and other studies. Also, available pre-med, pre-pharmacy, pre-veterinary, pre-law and other pre-professional programs.

Saint Joseph College (SJC) is located in West Hartford. The college has a women's college, a school of pharmacy and programs for adult learning. It offers online courses, professional studies, undergraduate and graduate programs. Areas of study include the sciences, humanities, religion, philosophy, teaching, history, computer science, business administration and other studies.

Southern Connecticut State University is an accredited university located in New Haven. It offers study abroad, distance learning, online courses, undergraduate and graduate programs. Earn a bachelors, masters of doctoral degree. Areas of study include the arts, the sciences, business, social work, teaching, health and human services.

Trinity College is a liberal arts school located in Hartford. The college offers study abroad, adult learning, undergraduate and graduate programs. It also offers individualized degree programs (IDP). Areas of study include the arts, the sciences, engineering, computer science, history, religion, and other studies.

United States Coast Guard Academy (CGA) is located in New London.  The academy emphasizes with emphasis on leadership, physical fitness and professional development. It offers a 4 year bachelor degree program.

University of Bridgeport is located in Bridgeport. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs. Earn an associates, a bachelors , a masters or a doctoral degree (BA, BS, BFA, MA, MBA, MS, PHD). Areas of study include pre-law, criminal justice, history, business administration, acupuncture, the sciences, healthcare and other studies.

University of Connecticut is located in Storrs. It offers continuing education classes, undergraduate and graduate programs. Areas of study include law, business, social work, nursing, pharmacy, engineering and other studies.

University of Hartford is located in West Hartford. It offers adult learning, certificate, associates, undergraduate and graduate programs. Areas of study include the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences.

University of New Haven is located in West Haven. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs. Areas of study include the arts, the sciences, engineering, business and other studies.

Wesleyan University is located in Middletown. It offers certificates, undergraduate and graduate programs. Areas of study include the arts, the sciences, history, film, religion and other studies.

Western Connecticut State University (WCSU) is located in Danbury. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs. Areas of study include the arts, accounting, history, business, law, nursing, the sciences and other studies.

Yale University is an ivy league school located in New Haven. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs. Areas of study include law, nursing, medicine, Anesthesiology, the sciences, the arts, teaching, film and other studies

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